As part of the World's Greatest Customizers site, Happy Day Customs has asked yours truly to review his custom Deadpool. So here we go!
The Good
HDC picked a great base here. Yes, it has been a used a million times, but it is the best base in my opinion for Deadpool. The paint is clean with the right amount of shading. I love the shade of red that he picked as the shade REALLY complements the black here. It is not overly contrasting and it doesn't get lost in the black shading as well.
Accessories! Deadpool needs lots of guns. BANG! BANG! There are a lot of weapons here and they work well. DP is not getting lost in a cluster of weapons and the subtle grenade on the chest strap complements the figure well. The straps and holsters are really well done here. I like the idea of removeable guns and somewhere to put the weapons when they are not being used. There are a lot of holsters but there is not too many that takes away from the figure like I have seen on other Deadpool figures.
The Bad
I was really hoping to get an easier custom to review here, something to rag on. I'm suppose to be a hard ass, dammit! I have to point out that there is a paint chip on the right chest. I noticed it in a few photos and it was not in a few other. It is hard to rag on a customizer for this, as I have done it before, and you really don't notice something small like that until the camera blows it up. My guess is that HDC fixed it , so it was a good catch on his part.
If you have read this blog before, you know I am big on comic accuracy when making comic figures. I don't like the boots. I can't think of an artist that draws DP with those big boots. Doesn't mean there isn't an artist out there does, but it is not the iconic look that comes to my mind. The fact that this is my biggest complaint here says a lot as this is a personal preference vs just a flat out flaw in the figure. There are people out there that might like this look and good for them.
Recommendation Changes
I really wish there would have been some seams sculpted on the costume to match the seams on the mask. This would create a nice flow of consistency through the figure.
Lastly, a black wash over some of the weapons would have added to the overall effect of the figure. The basic silver of the gun just makes me realize that I am looking at a toy and not a real person (don't judge my craziness).
Final Thoughts
This is really a great figure. I am a little ticked that there was not much for me to nit pick but that is a good thing as customs are designed to pick up the slack that the factory figures ignore. Happy Day Customs made an awesome figure here and it speaks volumes that most of the "flaws" that I mentioned were actually more based on my preferences for how Deadpool should look. I am not sure if HDC sold this figure or not but whomever has this figure is probably happy with the figure.
To check out more of Happy Day Customs, follow the link here.
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