Friday, August 23, 2013

Ben Affleck IS Batman

Everyone and their mother that knows me on a personal level knows that I am a Batman Fanatic.  Hell, some have called me a Batman expert.  This will be more of a personal post because after the article below (or some version of it) hit the web, my phone, e-mail, and Facebook has been flooded with messages from friends and family.

To give visitors a 1% understanding of my Batman knowledge, I have read every single issue of Batman from 1989 to current.  Before digital, I had roughly eight to ten large plastic totes of Batman comics.  In every house I have lived in, I have had a Batcave of some sort where I work on customs or display some of my stuff.  My mom is still pissed that the basement of her garage is full of Batman stuff that people have given to me over the years, it is even rumored that she might have to move it to a hayloft.  Long story short, I know Batman and in the upcoming Superman movie Ben Affleck will be Batman and I am okay with it...for now.

Let's start off by saying I am not an Affleck fan.  If I made a list of my top ten actors, he would not be on it.  I can't even tell you the last time I saw one of his flicks in theaters. 

I have seen his movies, though, and I do know that he can play the affectionate asshole like my dear Bats.  In "The Town", he was a great anti-hero. Shit, his best friend is (and I dare say) a bigger Batman fan than me, Kevin Smith.  Hopefully he has enough sense to ask Kev for some tips to playing the Dark Knight.

Look at Heath Ledger.  I was pissed when I found out that the singing high schooler, and poor knight was going to play my favorite villain of all time, the Joker.  What were they thinking?  The bank scene in "The Dark Knight" had me thinking that he might be an okay choice.  Heath wasn't good with that though.  He did the little magic trick in his next scene and I KNEW he was the Joker.  Remember the scene where Gordon gets promoted and the Joker started the creepy slow clap?  That was not in the script, it was all Ledger.

But we are talking about Afflect here.  So what good point can I bring to this casting choice?  The movie will be Man of Steel 2, so if he flops, Warner Brothers did not dedicate a whole movie to him.  If he is really good, we have our new Batman for a few movie.  If he does good but you just don't like him, you will see a new Batman sooner or later.  Just realize that Batman is Warner Brother's version of James Bond, the actor can be replaced at any time and the fans will still go.

I say let's give the guy a chance.  Worse case, he screws up a Superman movie, so what do I care?  Best case, I get to see a good Batman hit Superman in the face.  In the long run, I win!

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