Tuesday, February 18, 2014

New 52 Red Robin Custom Rundown


Yup, I still hate Robins but I also love challenges when it comes to customizing.  This guy was a bit intimidating as he was sitting on the bench for around four months.  With the new character design, the cape as two different "modes", one being in the form of a wing (see above) and the other being more straps blowing in the wind.


I hate going with Marvel Legend figures for DC characters because it just doesn't fit with other DCUC figures but DCUC teen bodies are hard to come by at a decent price.  I also like that, with scale, the Marvel body (Archangel in this case) tends to be shorter and more athletic than the teenage body.

Straps for the cape were a pain in the butt since I wanted to put the figure together to see how it would work before I painted.  Bad idea.

Final thought:

I liked it, customer liked it so it is a win win!